Two-phase Orthodontic Treatment

Two-phase orthodontic treatment can help set your child up for great oral health.

200 Queens Rd, Ste 310
200 Queens Rd, Ste 310

What is Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment?

Two-phase orthodontic treatment refers to two separate times when a child receives orthodontic care. The first phase is done while the child still has many or most of their primary or "baby" teeth. The second takes place when the child has most or all of their permanent teeth.

Benefits of Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment

Early treatment of oral health issues such as bad bite, jaw issues, and other dental problems can prevent issues from worsening and prevent the need for your child to have more extensive dental work or surgery performed later on in life.

Your provider at Queens Road Dentistry will assess your child's oral health, diagnose any issues they find, and create a personalized treatment plan to correct your child's smile effectively. Treatment typically includes the use of oral appliances and braces/retainers. For more information about two-phase orthodontic treatment, call us at (704) 334-5306.

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person with arms crossed, smiling
person with arms crossed, smiling

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200 Queens Rd
Ste 310
Charlotte, NC 28204
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